Daily Archives: October 30, 2010

It’s Halloween Baby!

Halloween is almost here. Are you ready? If you’re like me, you may have waited until the last minute (because you’re so danged busy, of course). So now, you’re scrambling to come up with a costume for your tiniest family member.

I have a few ideas for simple, yet adorable costumes you can easily put together in a relatively short amount of time. You may have many of the items you’ll need on hand…or you’ll be able to find them readily in your favorite craft store.

Blanket Sleeper Bunny
My blanket sleeper bunny was assembled the day of trick-or-treating one year. A sleeper and matching windbreaker make up the base, with the windbreaker worn underneath.

Rabbit ear frames are fashioned from a coat hanger. The “headband” portion of the frame is wrapped with yarn. Felt ears are sewn together and slipped over the ear frame like gloves. The ears are then worn over the jacket hood.

Whiskers are made from pipe cleaners and attached to the hood of the coat. Fuzzy felt is cut to make a belly piece and attached with good safety pins.

A pompon tail is attached to bunny’s bum. Felt and pompon feet are attached to jammie footies. Add a lipstick nose and you’re done!

Baby Clown

Clown costumes are fairly easy to come by. My little clown is wearing a hand-me-down outfit with a homemade wig that I made for a Raggedy Andy costume he wore. Lipstick nose and eyeliner accents complete this very simple outfit.

Baby Gorilla

This is perhaps the simplest costume I ever put together. All you need is fake fur material and a piece of felt. Trace a blanket sleeper onto the material, cut out two matching pieces and sew them together.

Make a slit in back and attached Velcro enclosures in order to get your little monkey easily into and out of the gorilla suit. Cut out a breast and belly from the felt and attach to the front of the costume. Hand your baby a banana and you’re finished!

I hope you like these costume ideas and are able to use them. I have so many more…but so little time. Maybe I can share more next year! We all know how time flies.